Restoring the look and functionality of broken or decayed teeth is a typical and efficient use for Dental Crowns in Ashburn. If your Ashburn dentist has fitted you with a crown recently, you should know how to take care of it to ensure it lasts and keeps working as it should.
A dental crown that is not properly maintained and cared for may eventually wear out or cause more damage to the tooth structure underneath. You can maintain the health and beauty of your smile for years to come by adhering to the proper dos and don’ts when it comes to your crown.

Tips to Care for Your dentures –

Avoid sticky and hard foods: A crucial point to keep in mind when taking care of a dental crown in Ashburn is to pay attention to what you put in your mouth. Caramel, gummy candies, and dried fruits are examples of sticky, chewy foods that might tug at the edge of the crown, possibly causing it to come loose over time. Nuts, ice, and popcorn kernels are examples of hard, crunchy foods that may chip or shatter the crown.

Brush and floss to keep the tooth healthy: Keeping up good dental hygiene is essential to the durability of your dental crown. Just like you would with your natural teeth, ensure you routinely brush and floss the crowned tooth and its surrounding area.

To avoid damaging the crown, brush with a toothbrush with soft bristles and take extra care around its edges. In addition, flossing helps keep decay and gum disease at bay by removing food particles and plaque from under the gum line and in between teeth.

Kick your bad habits: Now is the perfect opportunity to break any habits that can harm your dental crown. It includes habits like chewing on pens or pencils, biting your nails, and clenching your teeth (bruxism).

Use a Night Guard: If you experience bruxism, or tooth grinding, particularly at night, your Ashburn crown dentist might suggest using an occlusal splint or night guard. By creating a barrier of protection between your upper and lower teeth, these custom-fitted oral appliances lessen the strain on your crowns by preventing direct contact.

See the Dentists Regularly: Lastly, continuing maintenance and observation of your dental crown depend on routine dental checkups. Every time you visit your Ashburn dentist, they should inspect the crown for wear, loosening, or other problems.

Additionally, they can advise getting the crown professionally cleaned to remove any plaque and tartar accumulation that might jeopardize its integrity.

What problems can dentures resolve –

Dental crowns in Ashburn are adaptable repairs that can enhance general oral health and function while treating many dental conditions. Among the issues that crowns can assist in resolving are:

Difficulty Chewing: Broken, decaying, or fractured teeth can make eating uncomfortable and difficult. With a crown, the strength and structure of the tooth are restored giving you the confidence and comfort to bite and chew once more.

Speech Impediments: Speaking clearly might also be affected by missing or seriously damaged teeth. Your speech will improve when gaps are filled in, and your teeth are properly shaped, and aligned again thanks to crowns.

Severe Bone Loss: A crown could be required to maintain the remaining bone and gum tissue and offer structural support in cases of advanced gum disease or other disorders that can cause considerable bone loss surrounding a tooth. Dental crowns in Ashburn can improve oral health, comfort, and general quality of life by treating these kinds of issues.


Getting a dental crown is an investment in your smile’s long-term health and aesthetic appeal. But enough care and upkeep are necessary to guarantee your crown keeps producing the intended effects.